Paul's Teaching

Question: What is the significance of Paul’s writings and why should we consider them over other New Testament Scriptures?

Question: Why do some people reject Paul’s Teaching?


That is a very important question:

It is important because on the correct answer, the pathway to understanding becomes logical and correct!

The main error strewn pathway started with the “Church Fathers”, and surrounds the important question of “who is telling the truth, Jesus or Paul”; and it was ably continued with the Roman Church and incorporated into its Doctrines under Constantine.

The fact that there is so much error in Church teaching over so many hundreds of years; in many cases sincerely taught by the Clergy, makes/made the correction process more difficult; but it has been unwinding in the last 100+ years, due to the sincere diligence and hearts of a few sincere Christians, all asking the same question!

With us, the question emerged in the true understanding of Acts 28:25–28; at a time we were struggling with Churches teaching on “Gifts of the Spirit”, as understood by the Church we were in at the time.

To avoid repetition, it is shown in the below Link:

GIFTS AT PENTECOST    (Comments and Study)



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